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AVETRA’s Executive members normally serve for two years and are bound by the constitution. During 2009 the Executive members worked collectively to produce position descriptions for the executive roles, both those defined by the Constitution and those which have grown up to carry out specific functions. Members may wish to consult these when considering whether to stand for election to the Executive and/or to volunteer for a specific role within the Executive.

Current Executive

Members of AVETRA’s Executive Committee are drawn from the VET and university sectors and from industry. They include leading VET researchers and representatives of VET research stakeholders around the country. 

AVETRA Executive Committee 2024- 2026


April 2022 - Present   Ms Kira Clarke (Brotherhood of St Lawrence)
April 2020 - April 2022   Ass. Professor Steven Hodge (Griffith University)
April 2018 - April 2020   Adj. Professor Robin Shreeve (Western Sydney Uni)
April 2016 - April 2018   Ass. Professor Ruth Wallace (Charles Darwin University)
April 2012- April 2016   Ass. Professor Michele Simons (University of SA)
April 2010 - April 2012   Ass. Professor Llandis Barratt-Pugh (Edith Cowan Uni)
April 2008 - April 2010   Professor Erica Smith (Federation University)
April 2004 - April 2008   Ass. Professor Peter Kell (University of Wollongong)
April 1999 - April 2004   Ms Berwyn Clayton (Canberra Institute of Technology)
April 1997 - April 1999   Professor Leo Maglen (University of Melbourne)


Our constitution was revised and accepted at the 2023 Annual General Meeting.

AVETRA constitution 2023

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