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VET research centres


Assessment Research Centre (ARC), The University of Melbourne

This is the website of the Assessment Research Centre (ARC) which promotes change and improvement in the fields of assessment, reporting and applied measurement. The centre undertakes research, consultancies and development projects, and participates in higher and vocational training in both award and non-award programs. The site provides information on courses, scholarships, staff, research reports and CompAssess – an online assessment, recording and monitoring system.

Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT)

The Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT) is an independent, multi-disciplinary organisation committed to making a difference to the Australian workplace through research, training and by sharing its ideas and findings with others. The web site provides information on: staff, services, conferences, research, publications and links.

Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

This web site contains information about ACER, its press and products, testing services, library services, research programs, research capabilities and a section for information about visiting researchers. Contact details are provided for staff.

Centre for Labour Market Research (CLMR)

The Centre for Labour Market Research was founded in 1984 and is a consortium of Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and the University of Western Australia. Its objectives are to: further the knowledge and understanding of labour markets and related issues, with special reference to Australian labour markets and other markets in the Asia Pacific Region. The site contains information about the Centre and contact details for staff.

Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong Learning (CPELL)

CPELL was established in early 2003 when the Centre for Human Resource Development and Training (CHRDT) was renamed. The work of Melbourne University’s Educational Outcomes Research Unit (EORU) and the Training Services Development Unit have also been integrated into the Centre. The website provides links to more information about each unit, their research projects and outcomes and the previous CHRDT.

Centre for Research in Education (CRed)

The Centre for Research in Education (CREd) was established to bring all of our research activity into one space to provide focus, scale, and coherence for our students, staff, and other stakeholders.

Researchers in the Centre for Research in Education advocate for a contexualised understandings of ‘education’ across the life-span including child-care, schools, training institutions, universities and sites of informal learning. ‘Education’ is essential for nation building, social cohesion, social justice, sustainability, identity formation, and economic development.

Centre for the Economics of Education and Training (CEET)

The Centre was established in 1992 by Monash University with the co-operation of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and reconstituted in 1994 as the Monash University-ACER Centre for the Economics of Education and Training. The Centre undertakes research, research training, consultancies and dissemination of research. This site contains information about the centre and its staff as well as its current and planned research projects, dissemination and training, publications, seminars and workshops.

Dusseldorp Skills Forum

The Dusseldorp Skills Forum (DSF) is an independent, not for profit body with a mission to achieve changes needed to enable all Australians to reach their potential. In particular, the Forum works co-operatively with communities, industry, government and non-government organisations to generate ideas, research, tools and information which will improve the learning and work transitions of young Australians. It finances its own work. The website provides links to the Forum’s papers, projects, tools and resources along with information about features and events, themes and links to other websites.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) is Australia’s national vocational education and training research and development centre. NCVER is responsible for the collection of national vocational education and training statistics and for managing employer, student and graduate surveys relating to vocational education and training outcomes and performance. NCVER provides specialist research, development and evaluation services to government and industry clients as part of their core role and on a commercial consulting basis. The Centre manages the national VET research and evaluation program. NCVER publishes widely in print and on the web on all aspects of the VET sector: research findings, conference and discussion papers, a quarterly newsletter and regular statistical data on trainees, apprenticeships and TAFE graduates.

National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS)

This is the site of NILS, a labour studies research centre based at Flinders University in South Australia. NILS produces research and consulting in the following key areas: analysis of labour market developments at national, industry, occupational and regional levels; industrial relations and organisation; employment, unemployment and labour mobility; labour productivity and workplace performance; employee attitudes surveys; education and training; immigration and earnings and wage trends. The web pages contain information about NILS, its staff and publications, membership, research projects and related sites.

Research and Learning in Regional Australia (RLRA)

This centre (formerly known as Centre for Research and Learning in Regional Australia) was established in January 1997 under a three-year contract with the Australian National Training Authority. Research and Learning in Regional Australia conducts research into the process and outcomes of learning in regional communities throughout Australia, including the social and economic implications of change for learners, trainers, industries, businesses, funding bodies, policy makers and local communities. The site contains information about: the Centre itself; the staff; research projects; publications; topics; useful links; and latest news.

Centre for University Teaching and Learning (CUTL), Murdoch University

The Centre for University Teaching and Learning works collaboratively with the University’s Schools of Study to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. A major focus is the promotion of flexible learning and delivery methods including, where appropriate, the application of new technologies. The web site contains information about the Centre, the staff, the Centre’s work in a number of areas, educational technology and publications.


Bundesinstitut fuer Berufsbildung (BIBB) Federal Institute for Vocational Training

BIBB is an internationally recognised centre of expertise for research and development in the field of initial and continuing vocational training. The aims of its research, development and counselling activities are to identify the future functions of vocational training, to promote innovation in vocational training at German and international level and to develop new and practically viable solutions for use in initial and continuing training. The website provides information about BIBB, details, tasks, publications, training profiles, programs, events international projects and press releases. Home page is in German with a link to selected English information.

Centre d’etudes et de Recherches sur les Qualifications (Centre for Research on Education, Training and Employment)

The Centre for research on education, training and employment (Céreq) was set up in 1971. Its studies and statistical surveys on the training-employment relationship are intended to assist the public authorities (notably at the national and regional levels), the occupational branches and the social partners in developing and implementing their policies on vocational and educational training and human resources management. The website provides links to some English language information including Training & Employment quarterly newsletter aimed at informing the international community about the Centre’s research and other activities.

Centre for Labour Market Studies

The Centre based at the University of Leicester aims to consolidate CLMS as one of the leading international centres of research and teaching in the fields of employment and training; to produce research on labour market and training issues which contributes to academic knowledge and is of practical policy relevance; to produce and deliver courses on employment and training to the highest academic standards with the highest quality of support. The web site provides further information about the Centre along with links to their research program, online courses offered, staff details, training and HR links and publications. Working Papers are available in PDF.

Centre for the Economics of Education

The Centre for the Economics of Education was established in March 2000 and is sponsored by the Department for Education and Skills, and has been set up to undertake systematic and innovative research in the field of the economics of education. The three partners in the venture are the Centre for Economic Performance at LSE, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Institute of Education. The web site provides further information about the Centre, its research program, the staff , related links and access to publications available online.

Center on Education and Work

The Center on Education and Work seeks to enhance the quality of career-related learning for all individuals in schools, colleges, and the workplace. Established in 1964 the Center for Education and Work (CEW) has a rich tradition of enabling educators to engage youth and adults in learning and career development that leads to productive careers. The Center undertakes research, development, and capacity-building technical assistance activities to strengthen the connections among educational institutions, workplaces, communities, and families. Further information about current projects, workshops and presentations and publications and resources may be found on the website.

Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)

IZA is a private, independent research institute, which conducts nationally and internationally oriented labor market research. Within a framework of six research areas, IZA focuses on original and internationally competitive research activities in all fields of labor economics. Research areas include: mobility and flexibility of labour; internationalisation of labour markets; welfare state and labour market; labour markets in transition countries; the future of labour; evaluation of labour market policies and projects. The web site provides more information about the Institute, staff involved, research, teaching, events and links to publications many of which are available online free of charge and in English.


Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET)

KRIVET is involved in conducting policy-oriented research on a national basis in the areas of vocational education and training, industrial labor policy, VET and the qualification system, and the development, provision and evaluation of vocational education and training programs. KRIVET is also engaged in a variety of international cooperative projects with other institutions similar in nature. Their web site provides further information about the Research Institute; a bulletin board; contact details; programs and projects; service information (publications) and links to related sites.

Learning and Skills Development Agency

Previously known as the Further Education Development Agency (FEDA), the Agency is now a strategic national resource for the development of policy and practice in post-16 education and training. The Agency also provides a comprehensive training and conference program for college personnel as well as managing a wide range of research and development projects and activities, working closely with the FE sector and other key education and training organisations. The web site provides information about the Agency’s projects and programmes; research and development; latest news; publications; key contacts; job vacancies and events.

London School of Economics & Political Science – Centre for Economic Performance

The Centre for Economic Performance is an interdisciplinary research centre at the London School of Economics. It was established in 1990 and makes claim to being one of the leading economic research groups in Europe. It studies the determinants of economic performance at the level of the company, the nation and the global economy by focusing on the major links between globalisation, technology and institutions (above all the educational system and the labour market) and their impact on productivity, inequality, employment and stability. There are four research programs: education and skills; labour markets; globalisation; technology and growth. The web site provides links to Centre sponsored events and seminars, information about the research program; staff working in the Centre, additional resources such as links to useful sites and links to publications produced by the Centre. /

National Centers for Career and Technical Education (NCCTE)

The site for the two US organisations: The National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education and The National Research Center for Career and Technical Education. It provides a wide range of information, including: projects, publications, activities, links, events, discussion groups and news.

Scottish Council for Research in Education (SCRE)

The Scottish Council for Research in Education is an independent research organisation, founded in 1928 to support education through research. SCRE operates as a company with limited liability and has charitable status. SCRE’s functions are to conduct educational research of the highest quality and to communicate the findings of research from across Scotland. SCRE provides access to its own research and that of others through a range of publications. It also responds to enquiries about research and maintains a computerised database of Scottish educational research (ERSDAT).


This is the site of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education Organisation (SEAMEO VOCTECH). VOCTECH is one of the 12 subordinate bodies of SEAMEO addressing educational, scientific and cultural issues affecting the member countries. VOCETECH’s mission is to strengthen the VTET systems in SEAMEO Member Countries by enhancing capabilities through collaborative efforts incorporating research and development, program initiatives, networks, partnerships, and information services, thereby contributing to the development of a world-class workforce.

The website contains information about their training services, research and consultancy services, facilities and publications.

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre

From 1992 to 1999, UNEVOC was UNESCO’s International Project on Technical and Vocational Education. During 2000-01 the UNESCO International Programme on Technical and Vocational Education Training was implemented. A major activity of the programme has been the establishment of the International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training based in Bonn, Germany. The Bonn Centre also maintains a dedicated interactive TVET website which provides online information and technical assistance support for policy-makers, teachers and other members of the TVET community. It will be a research centre and a resource base for UNESCO’s TVET activities for its Member States. The website provides information about TVET, the Centre’s activities and its publications.

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