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Australian Bureau of Statistics

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia’s official statistical organisation. Its aim is to assist and encourage informed decision-making, research and discussion within governments and the community, by providing a high quality, objective and responsive national statistical service. The website provides access to a wide range of statistical information about Australia and Australians some of which is freely available or available for purchase online.

Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies

The Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies (ACYS) provides information products and services for those working in the youth field and for anyone with an interest in youth.

Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)

ADCET is a web based information source that provides up to date, accurate and comprehensive information about inclusive teaching, learning and assessment strategies, accommodations and support services for people with disabilities in post secondary education and training.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

This web site is produced by the Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board as a means of providing access to information about the AQF, a unified system of thirteen national qualifications in schools, vocational education and training and the higher education sector. It has a link to the 3rd edition on-line version of the AQF Implementation Handbook; Learning pathways; AQF and schools; AQF and employment and others.

Australian Training Products (ATP)

Leading workplace learning and resource providers, IBSA and Futura Group, are excited to announce they are joining together to create a new entity, Australian Training Products.The move is the opportunity to create better, more comprehensive options for the vocational education and training sector as a whole, as well as the current and future professionals within.

Directory of Education and Training Statistics (Australia)

This information can be found by clicking on the Data Sources link on the home page of the National Centre for Education and Training Statistics. This directory is a guide to the range of national statistical resources relating to education and training issues available in Australia. It is designed to assist users to identify publicly available data collections and publications. Generally, this directory is limited to only national collections due to the sheer size of the task of identifying all State and Territory or local collections. The directory covers all national ABS statistical collections produced during the 1990s which have education and training as a direct focus. It also includes a range of other national ABS data collections where the primary focus is not education and training, but which never-the-less contain data relevant to education and training.


The home page for EdNA (Education Network Australia), it houses and links to thousands of school/higher education/adult community education/vocational education and training resources in Australia and overseas. It includes background information about EdNA and its current activities, access to discussion lists, online forums and chats, projects, conferences and events along with a number of tools for use by the Australian education community.

National Centre for Education and Training Statistics

The National Centre for Education and Training Statistics was established in July 2000. The role of the Centre is to provide timely and relevant data covering a wide range of education and training issues, and to coordinate the development and provision of national statistics in the field of education and training. The website contains futher information about the Centre, its Data Sources, Latest Projects and Contact details.

National Training Information Service

The National Training Information Service has been developed by ANTA to provide access to current and emerging training market information and products in vocational education and training. Currently, the NTIS comprises a database of VET accredited courses; competency standards; Training Packages and training providers and text information on a range of complementary issues.

Statistical Clearing House (Australia)

The Statistical Clearing House is the central clearance point for all Australian Commonwealth Government surveys involving 50 or more businesses. The aim of the clearance process is to reduce the burden placed on businesses in completing Commonwealth Government surveys by eliminating duplication and ensuring that good practice is followed when designing and conducting business surveys. More information about the Clearinghouse and its role along with access to the Business Surveys Register and other Reference Materials may be found on the website.


ERIC – Educational Resources Information Center

The core function of ERIC is to provide a centralised bibliographic database of journal articles and other published and unpublished education materials, including vocational education and training information. The database is enhanced by the availability of free full text and electronic links to commercial sources and ease of use and up-to-dateness. The website provides links to the ERIC database search, the ERIC subject specific clearinghouses and ERIC resources.

Eurostat- European Commission

Eurostat is the Statistical Office of the European Communities, established in 1953. Its mission is to gather and analyse figures from the different European statistics offices in order to provide comparable and harmonised data to the European Institutions so they can define, implement and analyse Community policies.

FedStats – the gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies

FedStats is the new window on the full range of official statistical information available to the public from the Federal Government.

Global Statistics (UNESCO) – national statistics offices for Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania

This section of UNESCO’s National Statistics Office website provides links to the national organisations in the countries represented by the regions that are responsible for the collection and reporting of statistics.

National Statistics Online – United Kingdom

This is the UK’s home of official statistics, reflecting Britain’s economy, population and society at national and local level. Summary stories and detailed data releases are published here free of charge. Information on the website is primarily arranged by themes such as Commerce, Energy and Industry; Economy; Education and Training; Social and Welfare. There are also links to latest release information and latest news.

OECD Statistics

The Statistics Directorate provides economic statistics on a comparable basis for the analytical work of the OECD, promotes and develops international statistical standards and co-ordinates statistical activities both within the Organisation and with other international agencies.

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country-its population, resources, economy, society and culture.

Statistics New Zealand

Statistics New Zealand (Te Tari Tatau is its Mäori name) is a government department and New Zealand’s national statistical office. It administers the Statistics Act 1975, and is the country’s major source of official statistics. The website provides links to products and services, statistical methods, contact details, main indicators and more indepth information within 5 themes: people and society; enconomy; environment; statistics by area; census.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics is the statistical branch of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). The website has a wide range of statistical information based around its core themes of Education, Literacy, Culture and Communication, and Science and Technology.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal fact-finding agency for the US Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.

U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data that are related to education in the U.S. and other nations. There is comprehensive information available on the web site covering the Center’s survey and program areas, the electronic catalogue (publications), education statistics at a glance, quick tables and figures, data tools, center staff and fast facts

WIFO’s gateway to vocational education research in Europe

Provides access to a large number of predominantly European sites including: knowledge bases on research results in European VET; networks & events of VET research in Europe; overview of European VET research projects; tool box for European VET research.

European Training Foundation (ETF)

The ETF is the EU agency promoting innovative practice in human resources development for societies and economies in transition. The website contains comprehensive information about the education systems in South Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and the Mediterranean Region. Other links are provided to more information about the ETF, priority areas and publications and to Key Indicators of the vocational education and training systems in these regions.

Future of Work – New Zealand Department of Labour

The Department of Labour’s Future of Work programme is designed to help all New Zealanders get better information to make decisions about their working futures. The website is designed to help answer the users questions, to provide the user with easy access to current research and resources, and provide up-to-date information on new research and trends. It has sections providing further information about the changing economy; changing workplace; changing workforce; work/life balance and skills, education and training.

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